3 Quick And Mindful Ways You Can Make The Best Of May!
May 02, 2022
The month of May only comes around once a year, so you need to know how to spend it right, and I'm just the guy to guide you.
We are all nearly halfway through the year already, and Sun is starting to show its face more and more, but not in the UK because the weather is dull and grey.
Hey, I don't like to brag (I do!), but I've always found a way to make each month a little more special than the last, but that's because I love autumn and then enjoy the oncoming festivity of the Christmas holidays. If I'm being honest, I think summer's for the kids but don't tell that to the rest of the country.
It can be tricky to stay mindful if you have to worry about external factors that you can mend with slight changes in your day. So here is a handful of suggestions to help you make May a month to be mindful.
Have a little reset
I like to start my month by giving my living space a little bit of tender loving care with some cleaning and organising. I'm telling you, there is nothing better than leaving and coming home to a freshly cleaned house, and if anyone else tells you differently, they're lying to you. How are you supposed to be aware of your thoughts and feelings in an unclean environment? I know I can't do it!
Setting out some time at the start of May to give your space a deep clean will allow you to maintain it through the month with a regular weekly cleaning schedule.
Spend more time outdoors
One thing you may not know about me is I'm very introverted. If I don't have to go out to a friend's party at the weekend, I won't. So telling someone like me that you need to spend more time outdoors with mother nature is quite fair.
Did you think I'd say something dramatic like it would be preposterous? Of course not! I believe there are many health benefits to setting aside some time to be outside.
I usually like to go on early morning runs right before sunrise to experience the environment where I live when there are not many people hanging around. It's very blissful and a beautiful way to start your day.
Remember that spending time in nature helps lower anxiety and combats depression which is a plus for managing mental health.
Wear sunscreen
Like I said in the intro, the Sun's appearance, although it may be sparse, should prompt us all to invest in a quality bottle of sunscreen. It turns out that you should be wearing sun protection each day, and many people are unaware.
I used to think that sunscreen was only for when you were at the beach, and your mom wanted to waste all of the kids' time and make them appear weird, but now I know the truth!
The Skin Care Foundation estimates that 90% of ageing comes from sun exposure, and I don't know about you, but I want to look as young as I feel for the remainder of my existence by any means necessary.
Medical Director of Art of Skin MD, Melanie Palm, MD, says that,
"Premature ageing of the skin is caused by light exposure."
Also, do not be afraid of others telling you that sunscreen actually causes skin cancer. You should be more concerned about using a vitamin D supplement if you regularly apply physical sunscreen to your skin multiple times in the day.
Check out this article by the Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School to learn more about the science of sunscreen. Hey, maybe we will all look twenty years old forever!
Don't forget to celebrate International Day of Families on the 15th of May and spend some much-needed quality time with your loved ones. #FamilyDay
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