020 8132 5148

Meet Violet: Children's Yoga Teacher in London

meet our teachers May 04, 2023
childrens yoga teacher
Hello, I am Violet, 30 years old and live in West London. I teach yoga to all different ages, ranging from children all the way up to adults. I am a 500 hour trained teacher. I completed by 200hr YTT in Majorca and my 300hr YTT in India. I got into yoga as my mum has been a yogi for over 20 years now and from watching her, I got inspiration and went off and trained to teach and haven't looked back ever. For me, yoga has changed my life and if I could turn back time, it would be that I started my yoga journey earlier, so the fact Yoga is now in schools for me makes me feel very happy!

How do you like to spend your free time?
I love being outside! So I spend a lot of my time going on adventures, exploring and generally being in nature. Whether it is a long walk, a wild swim, going to a music festival or enjoying an ecstatic dance evening, I spend a lot of my free time trying to find the freedom of being outside!

What do you like to learn about? 
The stars and everything to do with astrology. I've got so much to learn but for me the sky holds a very close and safe space in my heart. I could sit and stare at the sky be it night or day for hours. And I find it extremely exciting when we have a new or full moon, when you can see a planet or even just watching the clouds move!

If money were no object, how would you spend your time? 
This question is easy for me.... I would spend my time creating and opening a yoga space on a tropical beach! 

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 
I would be a bird. You could fly off wherever you wanted, see so many parts of the world and get to take in the most beautiful views in the world!

What words of wisdom would you pass down to your younger self? 
Just go out there and follow your dreams, believe in yourself and trust that there will be ups and downs but that we are all exactly where we need to be, so enjoy the ride!



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