Meet Becky: Children's Yoga Teacher in London
Oct 12, 2023
From early childhood I believe I was always searching for yoga but finally found it aged 17 at an uncomfortable Hatha class. The practice has become my best friend and after all these years, one that feels natural to share with others. I am an Ashtanga practitioner but enjoy sharing the practice according to the needs of those in front of me, whether a grownup seeking a little more quiet or a child just learning what it feels like to live in their body. I have a background in the world of food and spreading that gospel through classes to grownups, teenagers and children in schools and private classes. I am excited to share Yoga with the children who come through Beam Academy’s classes.
1. What was the best vacation you ever took and why?
We did an amazing overlanding trip in Southern Africa in 2017 with our two boys who were then just 7 and 4. We drove from Johannesburg in South Africa to Plumtree in rural Zimbabwe where we visited our friend in her home village. We went on to camp throughout the incredible country, having adventures with elephants at the epic Gonarezhou National Park, listening non-stop to Harry Potter on the car stereo as we blasted down the roads, driving across rivers and freaking out about flying bugs. We eventually drove back to Johannesburg through Mozambique before flying back home to the UK. It was a family adventure in every sense and one we won’t forget.
2. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?
I am definitely into podcasts! Checking my new downloads is one of the highlights of my day. I love all the foodie, wellness, parenting and yoga ones, in particular: The Happy Pear, Off Menu, The Doctor’s Kitchen, Therapy Works, Dish, Feel Better Live More, a Bit of Optimism … I could go on.
3. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I love all meals. Generally breakfast is an exciting one as I’m hungry from the night before and usually am starving having just practiced yoga or gone for a run. This said, I always eat the same thing so am not very adventurous there (I love spiralina, fruit and peanut butter). We always sit down as a family for dinner which is a highlight of my day, even though it’s generally very chaotic with two children messing about. It’s a winner if everyone enjoys their food and we’re all still seated by the end of it! My favourite dinner is definitely an vegetarian Indian spread of quite a fiery curry, a dal, some crunchy salad leaves with lemon juice and black salt and some chutney and a poppadom for fun.
4. What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
I am quite a fan of routine so there are a few essential elements. Definitely some movement. Preferably some yoga asana, a long walk, a run … one of the above. A good night’s sleep is essential and something I work hard to get enough time for. A beautiful coffee (I like my own, made at home, the best). Though I strive for the ability to be flexible in my life, routine helps me to feel tethered and holds me accountable to the things that make me feel good. Does your daily routine do this too?
5. Do you like group activities, or prefer doing things solo?
I am definitely more of a solo creature. I could spend weeks in my own company. My solitary Ashtanga yoga practice is a perfect friend. I have to acknowledge that I also love being with my husband, children, family and dear friends as well though.
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