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Meet Emily: Children's Yoga Teacher in London

meet our teachers Jul 24, 2023
children's yoga teacher

My name is Emily, I grew up in the midlands of Ireland surrounded by nature. I was introduced to yoga at the age of 16 when my dad was training to be a yoga teacher himself. After our mam died due to a need to be home more, he had to have a career change. I started this journey going to his classes to fill space and initially found that I was actually not enjoying the practice overly but as I moved away from home at 19, I came to realise how much I missed yoga.


I've now lived in London for the past 6 years and have subsequently spent a lot of time in yoga studios, working in cafes that were part of the studio or managing the front of house team for studios. 

I really value the time I spend on my mat, it brings me home to my body and brings me a sense of grounding. I find that this time spent helps me to manage the continuous waves of life.

I worked in hospitality roles to fund two yoga training courses which I attended and allowed me to start my teaching career. 

I try to bring in a balancing flow into my class, feeling the heat before slowing it down to feel the benefits of movement. 

I teach so I can help others and hopefully share what I have learned so far within the practice. Space to get out of the head and into the body.

I am due to start a course in somatics and trauma-aware therapy later this year, from which I hope to bring elements of these learnings into my yoga classes along with providing the opportunity to offer one-on-one sessions also. 


What's your favourite way to spend a day off? 

I love a weekday off, everywhere is quieter and there's less pressure to fill your free day with activities. I normally get up and go for a coffee alone with my journal, taking an hour to myself to fill some pages with my thoughts. I then head off to yoga, have a leisurely lunch and spend my afternoon strolling through the streets. I also spend these days planning my future yoga classes or going to a market. A day of truly reconnecting to myself.


Would you say you're more of an extrovert than an introvert? 

I've always been such an introvert. Growing up, I always tried to be more extroverted, as I thought this was how I 'should' be. Now however I am much more comfortable embracing my introverted ways. I am much better at honouring exactly what it is I want to do, pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone in ways which align with my values and goals. 


Do you have a favourite holiday?

My holidays as a child were always a 5-hour drive to Kerry (the southwest coast of Ireland). My brother would make us listen to James Blunt the whole drive and it would rain for the majority of the holiday. On the odd day that we finally got an inkling of sunshine, we would go to this tiny beach a short walk away from the cottage. The best bit about the beach was the chocolate factory on the edge of the entrance, we would go and make our own chocolate lollipops and get to buy chocolate truffles in the gift shop. This was always the highlight of my summers.


What's your favourite season and why?

I love Autumn, after a sticky summer in London, working in the unbearable heat or getting soaked in 30 degree sunshine. I'm always ready for a bit more freshness in the air. The parks turn orange as the leaves fall, big coats are coming back into season and pumpkin features on most menus, I start to feel ready to slow down and go inwards. 


How would your 10-year old self react to what you do now? 

My 10-year-old self would definitely be surprised at my how my life has unfolded so far. I always thought I would be a primary school teacher, but working full time in hospitality to fund my yoga trainings has filled me with a sense of pride. My 10-year old self would be happy to see how determined I have ended up being, and stopped taking the easy road.

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