Will Smith And The Pursuit Of Wellness!
Mar 09, 2022I don't know about you, but I've been very excited about the recent success and acknowledgement that Will Smith has received in the last couple of months. I mean, it's absolutely phenomenal! Where do even I start? I'm serious; he's everywhere😅.
Maybe, the release of his 2021 autobiography, Will, delving into his journey from an immature kid from West Philly to a chart-topping entertainment force!
Last November, Smith sat down with Oprah to discuss his new book, and she had this to say.
'I think it's just the best memoir I've ever read because you have the perfect combination of telling me the story and then giving me the wisdom behind the story and then telling me another story and then making it so funny that it is clearly your voice.'
I'm definitely going to re-read Will this month. Such a great insight into the mind of one of the greatest entertainers of our generation.
Or let's focus on something more recent. Earlier this week, Will received a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role with his portrayal of Richard Williams in the film King Richard.
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Keeping our focus on acting, he also was an executive producer on the drama series, Bel-Air, which re-imagined the popular 90s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, in which Smith starred. Not to also forget the National Geographic series Welcome To Earth that follows Will as he and a film crew travel to the extreme ends of the Earth, such as volcanoes and the deep ocean.
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All of Smith's recent accolades are awesome and well-deserved, but what got me interested in his recent success was his end-of-the-year Youtube Original Series Best Shape Of My Life.
Will gave us an up-close and personal look into his mindset as he embarked on a weight loss journey after gaining too many pounds for his role in King Richard. During the filming of this series, he also wrote his memoir alongside Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.
We were witnessing Will Smith, in real-time, struggle with his thoughts, feelings, actions, and perception. He was physically drained, emotionally drained, and vulnerable. Seeing someone we put on a pedestal, whether we like to admit it or not, face personal blunders was unexpected but humbling. We constantly preach how we are all human, but in reality, it is easy to forget when we apply this train of thought to larger-than-life figures. It made it easier to relate to him as an individual, and that's why I absolutely loved it! I'm not saying it doesn't make me uncomfortable, but what is life without a little bit of discomfort.
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Now I know what you are thinking. How does any of this relate to yoga or mindfulness? Well, having this much insight into the life and mind of Will Smith revealed a lot, from past traumas to career successes, failed romances, and parental woes, but what I found the most interesting was Smith's determination to reach self-empowerment through knowledge.
He and his wife have studied many prevalent religious books that span many cultures and have used mindful activities such as yoga and meditation to improve their wellness.
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Will even participated in a Snapchat Stories mini-series called Will From Home, and in episode 8, he highlighted his recent interest in yoga practice. He also shared an intimate discussion he and his family shared with Sadhguru, an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality.
The main reason why I wanted to highlight Will Smith was really down to an interview he had with Jay Shetty on the Jay Shetty Podcast in early 2021. He shared that he and some of his family, including his children, were studying with Jay. They talked about personal stories ranging from Will's grandmother, who'd give him words of wisdom and take in homeless people giving them the care they needed at the time, to his complex relationship with his father. I've highlighted some of my favourite parts in the video below, where they discuss mindfulness, mindset, and meditation.
Will's pursuit of happiness, pun intended, helps others reflect on their thoughts and feelings. At the end of the day, whether you are a media mogul or an average joe, we all need a little TLC to make sure that our wellness is of high priority in our lives.
I hope this can inspire us all to be more vulnerable and open about our issues within safe spaces and use mindfulness and yoga to our benefit. Be sure to check out 21 Celebrities You Should Know Who Practice Yoga, where two other Smiths share their love for yoga. Also, you may be interested in knowing a little more about Jay Shetty. Fear not, he features in our 10 Celebs You Did Not Know Who Practice Mindful Meditation.
Shameless plug over😁!
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